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Opholdsstedet i Horsens

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We are a small residence, with room for 4 young people aged 15 – 23 years. The residence aims for a flexible and structured environment, with safety, trust, humor and respect for the individual as central concepts. Care and treatment options are adapted to the individual, based on prerequisites and resources. We believe it is essential for young people to be in employment or education, which is why a meaningful everyday life is a focal point for everyone. Forward-lookingness and success in everyday life provide a basis for change and development, and the will to own the good life. The residence’s professional objective is that all our young people, regardless of personal skills, must have an education or relevant skills-giving courses. The young people must learn general social rules and mastery of everyday practical tasks, that must prepare them for an independent, self-sufficient existence. We aim for as normal a youth life for our young people as possible, and place a lot of emphasis on the democratic process in the decisions on the spot. We don’t have that many rules, but make agreements together about how we want to deal with one thing or another. We aim for our house to resemble a large family, where we all take part in the community, and show care and respect for each other. We all want to feel good, and work purposefully to ensure that everyone has ownership of the place and is committed to the positive atmosphere between us all. All our young people are in some form of employment during the day, we spend our free time on various activities or on ordinary daily chores. We have a large scooter workshop and a hall with space for most things. We use the local strength training centers regularly, and support those of our young people who use the local sports clubs. At home we have a drum room, badminton court, billiards, basketball and boxing ball. We have our own swimming pool and spa, so there is plenty to take care of in both summer and winter. The house is large and bright, and everyone has their own room. We have a very large garden, which we are helped to maintain, just as house maintenance, cleaning, cooking, etc. is a joint matter. Twice a year we go on holiday, usually abroad, and it can either be a skiing holiday in Norway, a diving holiday in Egypt or something else entirely that we decide together might be interesting. At Opholdsstedet in Horsens, we have 7 employees in total. All are experienced and competent people, and we cover a wide spectrum both in terms of age and skills. and support those of our young people who use the local sports clubs. At home we have a drum room, badminton court, billiards, basketball and boxing ball. We have our own swimming pool and spa, so there is plenty to take care of in both summer and winter. The house is large and bright, and everyone has their own room. We have a very large garden, which we are helped to maintain, just as house maintenance, cleaning, cooking, etc. is a joint matter. Twice a year we go on holiday, usually abroad, and it can either be a skiing holiday in Norway, a diving holiday in Egypt or something else entirely that we decide together might be interesting. At Opholdsstedet in Horsens, we have 7 employees in total. All are experienced and competent people, and we cover a wide spectrum both in terms of age and skills. and support those of our young people who use the local sports clubs. At home we have a drum room, badminton court, billiards, basketball and boxing ball. We have our own swimming pool and spa, so there is plenty to take care of in both summer and winter. The house is large and bright, and everyone has their own room. We have a very large garden, which we are helped to maintain, just as house maintenance, cleaning, cooking, etc. is a joint matter. Twice a year we go on holiday, usually abroad, and it can either be a skiing holiday in Norway, a diving holiday in Egypt or something else entirely that we decide together might be interesting. At Opholdsstedet in Horsens, we have 7 employees in total. All are experienced and competent people, and we cover a wide spectrum both in terms of age and skills. badminton, billiards, basketball and bocce ball. We have our own swimming pool and spa, so there is plenty to take care of in both summer and winter. The house is large and bright, and everyone has their own room. We have a very large garden, which we are helped to maintain, just as house maintenance, cleaning, cooking, etc. is a joint matter. Twice a year we go on holiday, usually abroad, and it can either be a skiing holiday in Norway, a diving holiday in Egypt or something else entirely that we decide together might be interesting. At Opholdsstedet in Horsens, we have 7 employees in total. All are experienced and competent people, and we cover a wide spectrum both in terms of age and skills. badminton, billiards, basketball and bocce ball. We have our own swimming pool and spa, so there is plenty to take care of in both summer and winter. The house is large and bright, and everyone has their own room. We have a very large garden, which we are helped to maintain, just as house maintenance, cleaning, cooking, etc. is a joint matter. Twice a year we go on holiday, usually abroad, and it can either be a skiing holiday in Norway, a diving holiday in Egypt or something else entirely that we decide together might be interesting. At Opholdsstedet in Horsens, we have 7 employees in total. All are experienced and competent people, and we cover a wide spectrum both in terms of age and skills. We have a very large garden, which we are helped to maintain, just as house maintenance, cleaning, cooking, etc. is a joint matter. Twice a year we go on holiday, usually abroad, and it can either be a skiing holiday in Norway, a diving holiday in Egypt or something else entirely that we decide together might be interesting. At Opholdsstedet in Horsens, we have 7 employees in total. All are experienced and competent people, and we cover a wide spectrum both in terms of age and skills. We have a very large garden, which we are helped to maintain, just as house maintenance, cleaning, cooking, etc. is a joint matter. Twice a year we go on holiday, usually abroad, and it can either be a skiing holiday in Norway, a diving holiday in Egypt or something else entirely that we decide together might be interesting. At Opholdsstedet in Horsens, we have 7 employees in total. All are experienced and competent people, and we cover a wide spectrum both in terms of age and skills. At Opholdsstedet in Horsens, we have 7 employees in total. All are experienced and competent people, and we cover a wide spectrum both in terms of age and skills. At Opholdsstedet in Horsens, we have 7 employees in total. All are experienced and competent people, and we cover a wide spectrum both in terms of age and skills.

We have associated a psychotherapist and a massage therapist, where the young people can receive treatments and thus gain more insight into deeper reasons for behaviour.

Insight provides a starting point for change

Kontakt Opholdsstedet i Horsens

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  1. Crawling og indeksering: FindSocialeTilbud.dks søgemaskine bruger “crawlers” (også kendt som “spiders” eller “bots”), som automatisk gennemsøger internettet for at finde nye eller opdaterede sociale tilbud. Når FindSocialeTilbud.dks crawlers finder dit sociale tilbud, læser de indholdet og føjer det til FindSocialeTilbud.dks indeks, en kæmpe database over alle sociale tilbud, som kender til.

  2. SEO (søgemaskineoptimering): Hvis din hjemmeside for dit sociale tilbud er optimeret til søgemaskiner, har det en bedre chance for at blive fundet og vist i søgemaskiner, heriblandt FindSocialeTilbud.dks søgemaskine. SEO omfatter teknikker som at bruge relevante søgeord i din tekst, sikre, at din hjemmeside loader hurtigere, og at den er mobilvenlig, samt opbygge kvalitets backlinks fra andre hjemmesider.

  3. Relevant og værdifuldt indhold: foretrækker at vise sociale tilbud, der tilbyder værdifuldt og relevant indhold til brugernes søgeforespørgsler. Hvis indholdet på din hjemmeside for dit sociale tilbud matcher, hvad folk søger efter, og det er informativt og godt skrevet, er der større sandsynlighed for, at det vises i søgeresultaterne.

  4. Regelmæssige opdateringer: Regelmæssigt opdateret indhold på din hjemmeside for dit sociale tilbud er også med til at hjælpe med at holde dit sociale tilbud relevant overfor FindSocialeTilbud.dks crawlers, da det indikerer, at dit sociale tilbud er aktivt og fortsat relevant for de søgende brugere.