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The LivogJob foundation was established in 2009 by Stubbekøbing Efterskole and Luthersk Mission and is registered in the Danish Business and Companies Agency with CVR no. 33 09 77 86.

It is the purpose of the LivogJob foundation, with a diaconal profile, to take care of the STU education LivogJob, to contribute to the creation of work, housing and leisure facilities for the target group, as well as to contribute to the target group having a developing and dignified life.

It is the LivogJob foundation’s expectation that the individual municipality that sends one young person to LivogJob can subsequently measure that the investment in the young person has been humanly and financially valuable.

In 2009, the LivogJob foundation established the self-governing institution LivogJob, Stubbekøbing branch with CVR no. 32 97 89 91, which offers the STU education LivogJob in Stubbekøbing with the possibility of associated accommodation according to the Service Act.

Kontakt Liv og Job

Socialt tilbud med ledige pladser



Beskyttet beskæftigelse §103, STU


Jørgen Sulkjær


ADHD, Autisme, Hjerneskade, Udviklingshæmning


13-17 år, 18-23 år



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